Willow is my do everything dog. She is as serious as a heart attack and as persistent as a wart with a sprinkle of “I’m just a baby”. Willow is indifferent to strangers and dogs. She is always on the job whether that’s something I’m asking her to do or something that only her and the lord know about.

Willow and I’s first herding started trial at Keepstone Farm

Willow and I’s first herding test at Keepstone farm

Small pen work on cattle at the Larry Painter clinic

Herding so far…

Willow showed a lot of natural balance and cover on her initial stock exposure. She is very natural to the head but also a bit reactive in that she tends to have to (in her mind) adjust her position and focus for every little movement the stock makes. She can be very pushy and is a bit of a dirty biter. She prefers working close. She \*can\* gather nicely but prefers to drive. When she is confronted head to head with stock her natural reaction has been to hold her ground and walk straight to the head, this is usually enough. If that doesn’t work she tends to dive in for a nose bite. We went from our PT to a started trial move up with zero experience on obstacles and came away with two Qs. We need one more to finish her HSAs and we hope to get that at the Berryville trial in July (2024) and start making progress on our skills in the round pen and field to make it to intermediate.

UPDATE: We did it! We finished up our started arena sheep with a Q for the first run. We had a really nice second run but one ornery ewe was real angry with the whole situation. Willow did a great job keeping her grouped after several escape attempts and angry challenges but on the final drive otw to the repen both of their patience ran dry and we got called on a grip, oh Willow! On to ACDCA nationals and hopefully cattle if we can find someone that would let us rent cow time. I’m really happy with our progress!

  • Stranger Danger: Aloof to strangers. Does not enjoy interacting with strangers unless being handled for stock work or food is involved.
    Dog Friendliness: Indifferent to strange dogs. Does not tolerate pushy dogs. Generally indifferent to housemates.
    Environmental Sensitivity
    : Low
    : Very High
    : High
    : High
    Intelligence: High
    Pressure sensitivity: Moderately hard
    Persistence: Very High
    Energy Level: Moderately high with a good off-switch

  • Being she is my first herding dog, I'm sure this will change as my understanding as a handler evolves and Willow's skill level advances.

    Pros: Goes naturally to the heads and heels when necessary. Stands ground well when challenged head on. Responsive to the handler. Natural sense of balance. When she understands the ask she is efficient and quick to execute. Learns quickly. Displays a fair amount of eye when working close.

    Cons: a “straight on dog”. Can be pushy and anticipates handler’s instruction. Really enjoys the bite, and is a bit of a dirty biter so needs kept up on. Easily sucked into the heads. Creeps. She could use more thinking before doing and better rate.

  • OFA HIPS Excellent
    OFA ELBOWS Normal
    PRCD B
    DM A
    NCL5 & NCL12 A
    BAER Normal
    Eyes Normal

    *Long Hair Carrier
    Melanistic Mask Carrier
    Missing Upper and Lower P2s

Stock Work

Willow's 9th round pen session